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Raj Derasari

Software Development | DevOps | Data Science



  • Masters Degree: M.Sc in Computer Science and Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology (2019-2021).
  • Undergraduate: B.Tech, Information and Communication Technology,SEAS, Ahmedabad University (2014-2018) .
  • Areas of Interest: Software Development, Data Science, DevOps
  • Experience: 1 year internship, and 3 months technical content writing
  • Looking for internships in Europe, preferably The Netherlands, during June-August 2020
  • Skills: Python, C Programming, Linux Shell, OOP with C++ and Java, Matlab/GNU Octave, Java, R Studio
  • Hobbies: Good at gaming (CS 1.6 and CS:GO player since 2010), Biking in nature, Musical instruments, Fitness, and Audio-track mixing
One-Page Resume @GoogleDrive.
Curriculum Vitae @GoogleDrive.

About Me

Growing up around computers has led to me spending the majority of my life in front of computers (no regrets!), I wrote my first C program when I was 13, and I developed interest in Information Technology and Computer Science. In 2014, I secured admission into the Bachelor of Technology program at the School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS, formerly 'Institute of Engineering and Technology'), Ahmedabad University. The robust project-based curriculum enabled my capabilities of teamwork, leadership and time management, along with the development of my technical skill-set.

In Semester 7 of my undergraduate, I started my B.Tech project/internship at Hirevalley Inc in a team of 4 (termed "MARS" from our initials). I developed a passion for Python and Linux Shell, working on Machine Learning (Generative Adversarial Networks for correlated data generation) and learning DevOps methodologies. This one-year internship was an extension to the platform for Human Capital Management (HCM) by our seniors. The platform in context is a microservice-based scalable architecture, and provides a benchmarking score for evaluation and comparison of candidate/job profiles. We developed algorithms and scoring techniques for candidate-to-job, candidate-to-candidate, job-to-candidate, and job-to-job comparison requirements. We authored a research article on this paper which was accepted in the IEEE International Systems Conference in 2019.
We also began an endeavor to generate appropriate resume data, for testing the system. Our research in correlated data generation started with a goal to generate resume descriptions that would contain correlated skills and thus, interdependent sentences. We document our endeavors in Natural Language Generation over here, also developing a novel technique GrammarGAN for generating sentences with the Part-Of-Speech tag (POS tag) and seed word as inputs. Our research in correlated data generation for skill recommendation was accepted as a research paper in the 2nd workshop for Data Science for Human Capital Management in 2018.

I have also used C/C++ in various academic projects (Operating Systems, Embedded Systems, Computer Networks, etc.), and for competitive programming in 2017. Since then, however, I instead worked on projects such as Ubuntu Configuration Scripts for Default/LiveCD and Easy GRUB Installation Script. (I worked with dual-booting systems countless times, so I often found myself repeating the GRUB Reinstall, motivating me to create this script.) I learned web-scraping with BeautifulSoup and wrote a Downloader Script for some supported software.


Freelance Technical Writer

Self Employed
Oct 2018 to Jan 2019

After completing my undergrad, I spent some time as a part-time technical content writer, for articles in Data Science (Neural Networks with sklearn, Linear Discriminant Analysis), and DevOps (Introduction, Test-Driven Development / TDD, and Cloud-Native Architectures). Along with content-writing, I spent time on my aforementioned personal projects.

Technologies used:

  • Python
  • Linux Shell
  • JavaScript

Research and Development Intern

May 2017 to May 2018

At Hirevalley, I worked in a team of 4. We designed and implemented a product for increasing automation in Human Capital Management, deployed through Python, on Amazon Web Services (AWS). The product was a recommendation platform for automation. [Experience certificate uploaded here]. I also developed my passion for DevOps and Data Science while working here.


  • Considerable experience with Python and coding principles.
  • Learning security with ssh-keys, for a local GitLab server I deployed, and deployment on AWS.
  • Using FLASK in Python for creating services and sending/receiving data.
  • Lessons in Machine Learning with Tensorflow/Keras, and approaches for Natural Language Generation.

Technologies used:

  • Linux,Shell
  • Python
  • Flask
  • Tensorflow
  • Keras
  • Git
  • GitLab
  • SSH
  • MySQL
  • VNC
  • Nvidia Docker
  • Nvidia GPU and CUDA
  • LaTeX TexStudio

Personal Projects

  • Ubuntu Setup/Configuration Scripts for Default/LiveCD Modes

    Extremely configurable, reusable, modular setup scripts for configuration of any Ubuntu/Debian-based installation. I also developed provisions to dry-run scripts and to store the output chain of commands to a file, very useful in creating shorter scripts to run during configuration of a LiveCD Ubuntu environment. In essence, I used these scripts to build my own/customized Lubuntu ISO (Based on Lubuntu 18.04 ). It had provisions such as removed bloatware, improved startup time, latest and relevant software for programming such as Sublime Text, Java, Python Virtualenv, Git, LibreOffice, etc.
    Available on GitHub
  • Easy GRUB Reinstall

    I wrote and updated a BASH script for Debian/Ubuntu based installations, over a period of 3 months. If you ever find yourself having to reinstall GRUB on a machine (like I've had to, more than 50 times), this script makes everything much easier. All you must do is boot into a Live Linux installation, open the terminal and type in this command:
    $ wget -qo-
    And then run the script with bash ($ bash, just having to enter the source Linux environment and target device to install to.
    Available on GitHub

Skills & Tools

  • Python
  • Linux Shell
  • C/C++
  • Java SE
  • Matlab/GNU Octave
  • Tensorflow/Keras
  • R/RStudio
  • LaTeX/TexStudio
  • Microsoft Office


  • Docker
  • Nvidia GPU and CUDA Setup
  • GitLab
  • Git
  • Virtualization
  • Citrix XenServer



  • DSHCM, 2018
    "Correlated Data Generation and its Application for Skill Recommendation", S. Patel, A. Kakadiya, M. Mehta, R. Derasari, R. Patel, R. Gandhi, in 2nd Workshop of Data Science for Human Capital Management, 2018, in Springer.
  • IEEE, 2019
    "A Service-Oriented Platform for Human Capital Management", M. Mehta, R. Derasari, S. Patel, A. Kakadiya, R. Gandhi, S. Chaudhary, R. Goswami, in 2019, in IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon).


  • English (Professional Fluency)
  • Hindi (Native)
  • Gujarati (Native)
  • Sanskrit (3 years academic learning)
  • Dutch (beginner)